A few things about me. :)
- Chocolate makes me happy & so does sweet tea.
- I'm a bookworm.
- I.love.reading.anything.
- I love movies, old & new. A few favorites are Sixteen Candles, Labrynth, Benny & Joon, The World in His Arms, Wuthering Heights, and Arsenic & Old Lace. Oh and I may or may not have a huge celebrity crush on Johnny Depp...
- I love all things artisitic. music, photography, poetry, sketching.
- I have a goofy yet amazing husband who works his tail off to provide for our family so that I can be a stay at home mom & photographer. I love him more than I can express on here & I'm so grateful to have him by my side.
- My daughter is my world. I love experiencing life through her eyes. She loves without restraint and is such a sweet, bright girl and I wish to be more like her!
- Photography is my calling in life. It truly is my passion. I love capturing emotion and the true essence of who a person is. There is just nothing like it!
- I have a deep love for three things in this world: God, my family, & photography. All three make my heart sing and I would be lost without them.
I'm a daughter. I'm a sister. I'm a mother. I'm a wife. I'm a Photographer. I'm me.
So there you go. Hope you feel like you know me just a little more! I look
forward to hearing from you and having the opportunity to capture your memories for you to cherish forever!