Monday, April 26, 2010

Healing & Life

I have been a bad blogger....a very bad blogger! In fact, I haven't blogged in at least a month. So much for the once a week postings! My excuse is a good one. Priorities. My family. My momma. She has been so sick for the past few months and I have been so scared I might lose her. To make matters worse, she lives in another country so I couldn't rush to her side when she needed me:( Through God's will and prayers from around the world from amazing friends & kind strangers, my mom was able to make it back to the states for a much needed surgery and is now on her way to healing! I am so grateful to everyone who prayed for her and incredibly grateful that she is okay. She is not only my mom, but one of my best friends and I don't know what I would do without her! I love you mommy!!! :-D Her surgery was back home in Florida so while down there I took the opportunity to photograph my two daughter & the beach! I hope you enjoy these as much as I do! In June I will be heading back down to Pensacola to create some memories like these for a bunch of friends from high school and their families so be on the look out for some beautiful beach pictures with beautiful families on the blog!

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