Wednesday, June 30, 2010

St. Louis & Pensacola Family Photographer-Cobblestone Road Photography

I had two different Hardy families to photograph while in Florida.  It so funny to me that they both share the same first & last name AND birthday!  Crazy!  So this is Hardy family #1.  Nicole, thanks so much for bringing up to your kids that I went to a dance with their father a million years ago.  You know, back in the day when big hair & tacky outfits were in still. I pray that you never find that photo because I never want it to grace Facebook;-)  I enjoyed seeing you again and I hope when I go back in the fall we can do a family session with David too! Just don't bring that picture!  Here are a few pictures of your beautiful kids!  Oh, and thanks so much for including Jen A.'s daughter in a few of them.  You are so kind!

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nicole said...

Jen you are fantastic @ what you do! I love the pictures and I do want to get family portraits done!! If I find that special picture I will send it in a message, I won't post it even though yall are really cute! :0) Thank you and I look forward to seeing you again!!!

© Cobblestone Road Photography
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