Friday, August 20, 2010

St. Charles/St. Louis Family Photographer~Cobblestone Road Photography "I'm A Be Me"

So I went to this little thing called the STL Shot Party with some amazing photographers this week and met this little know photographer, haha.  Yeah right!!!  I had the chance to meet Jasmine Star!  I've heard how inspiring she can be and guess what she really is!  I walked away rethinking how I want to present myself to the world!  So here is me, take it or leave it.

I'm a little quirky, a little shy, a little funny, and alot clumsy.  I have a wicked sweet tooth and love my sweet tea. I'm opinionated. I love hockey & um "tolerate"  baseball  *wink,wink*!!!  I love to cook but hate the cleaning up part. I love to sing but I'm no good.  I'm a bookworm.  I listen to rock,  country, christian & rap.(I have Korn, Toby Keith, & Ludacris on my ipod, hehe!) I'm very ditsy but I'm smart too.  I love traveling but hate flying. I love movies, old & new (my favorite movies are Sixteen Candles, The Princess Bride, Labyrinth, Tombstone, The World in his arms, and Arsenic & Old Lace).  How's that for variety!  I'm honest, sometimes too honest;)   I'm quick to forgive but slow to forget. I love deeply & I'm a loyal friend.  I'm a mother.  I'm a wife.  I'm a Photographer.  I'm me.

So there ya go.  Hope you feel like you know me just a little more.

I had soooo much fun at the shot party and it felt good to be around all of my mega talented colleagues!  Thank you Kelly Manno for getting me a ticket last minute, YAY!!!
Here are a few photos I took during the photoshoot with Kelly Park, who is absolutely amazing!  And a special thank you too  the models for our shoot,  Laura Nicol (a professional model) & her man Chad Spickler, who happens to be a pretty amazing photographer.  You guys Rock!


ELisa Bauer said...

I wish I would have gotten to talk to you at the shot party... there was just so much going on and I didn't get to mingle with everyone that I wanted to. Great blog post and adorable pictures of Laura and Chad!

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