Friday, January 7, 2011

St. Charles/St. Louis & Pensacola, FL Children's Photographer

I've just realized I haven't blogged any of my Florida sessions from November! So here I am watching the snow fall outside while blogging my first session from Florida. Where it was warm! Hey Florida peeps, watch out for that ice storm this weekend! Now you guys can feel my pain ;-P
Okay, so this session seriously it got off to a rocky start! I showed up 15 minutes early....without my camera! Doh!!! I was able to get the camera and show up 5 minutes late for the session. That is the first time and will most definitely be the last time that happens! Kelly was very understanding. (Thanks Kelly!) I guess she remembers what an airhead I was in high school! :-D This was the first time we had seen each other since graduation and she looks absolutely the same. I got to photograph her very adorable, spunky mini-me and had a blast. Kelly, your daughter is so adorable and I had so much fun photographing her! Can't wait for next time!

{disclaimer} {Seriously, that is the first and last time I will ever forget my camera...Fer Realz!!!}

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