Saturday, February 12, 2011

St. Louis/St. Charles Children's Photographer~Cobblestone Road Photography~

Took a few quick pictures yesterday of my favorite valentine and gave them a vintage feel. I haven't done a session with my cutie in way too long! I also haven't blogged in way too long! I have 3 weddings and 9 sessions left to blog from the fall. I am so bad at blogging and avoid it like the plague but no more I promise. I want to give you more of an inside view of my life so I am going to try and mix a lot more personal posts in with these sessions. I will be trying out new recipes, my weight loss (which isn't going very well so far), random thoughts, things I like ect and I think I will start showing some before & after pics too. Any thought/ideas you think would make my blog posts more interesting please feel free to send me ideas.

Hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day with the people that make your heart sing!:)

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© Cobblestone Road Photography
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