Friday, April 1, 2011

St. Louis/St. Charles Wedding Photographer~Cobblestone Road Photography~

It's April finally!!! April is National Autism awareness month & also National Donate Life month. Two causes very dear to me. It's also the month I turn 1 year older. :-/ Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to be alive. I'm just getting way to close to the big 40...Agh, did I just really admit that!!!! But just to be clear, I do have a few more years togo before I hit that 40.

April also kicks off the wedding season for me. 22 weddings. Some I am primary photographer and some I am assisting. Either way it is going to be one busy wedding season for me and I am so excited! Although the month of October is intimidating me...6 and possibly 7 weddings that month! Yikes! The weddings I am photographjy this year are amazing! The brides are AWESOME! The details, locations, & styles are AWESOME! Vintage, Rustic, Urban are a few words that come to mind!

Have a great weekend everyone! Next week I will be posting some yummy & healthy recipes I know you'll love!


© Cobblestone Road Photography
CoffeeShop Designs