Saturday, March 27, 2010

Being good enough

Over the last few days I've been stressed out and having trouble sleeping. I am constantly thinking about how to be a better photographer. Do I invest in better, more expensive equipment even though I can't really afford it. How do I get my name out there, what marketing tools do I need. Are people going to like my work. Do I have "it". That natural, artistic gift or am I just kidding myself. Believe me, the list of my worries goes on and on! Last night after a amazing conversation with my biggest supporter (my husband), I finally realized that all these worries and doubts are just the devils way of trying to corrupt my life. I need to let go & let God!!! Just like that my doubts are gone. I know that God blessed me with an awesome just took me a while to realize it!. No, I am not the best there is, but I am getting better everyday! I practice and research every day. I have a true, deep passion for this and everyday I grow! Everything will fall into place and I will be led in the right direction with my photography. So this is me, letting go & letting God! I look forward to what he has in store for me:)

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Tampa Band Photos said...

You gotta believe in yourself, Jen. If you don't, nobody else will. Keep your head up and keep plugging along, because you've got to trust your instincts in this business. Best of luck to you as you embark on this exciting, scary, but wholly fulfilling journey!

Laurie Nowling said...

Jen, I question myself EVERY SINGLE DAY and every step of the way. I think you are on the right track with putting it in God's hands. He has put you on this path for a reason and it's up to you to just keep pushing forward. You are very talented and I think your work is beautiful and inspiring and most importantly YOU. Hold onto that. It's a wonderful thing to see yourself in your photos. :)

© Cobblestone Road Photography
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