Monday, September 13, 2010

Hannah's mommy

So my goal is for this to be a personal/business blog and mostly I've been using it for my photography business.  Today it's personal.  Today isn't a good day.  Not at all.  I feel lost and hopeless and so lonely.  I don't want to put too much info out there because I want to protect my families privacy but at the same time I need to write about this.  I'm so confused.  Many of you that are friends of mine read my note on facebook about the diagnosis of autism. PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder) to be exact.  Well, this was the first year of school, of kindergarten and things haven't been going well and I don't know what to do for her.  Should I home school her?  Should she be in a mainstream classroom?  How do I help her?  I just can't go on feeling this way everyday.  Saying my morning prayer for her to have a "normal" day at school.  What have I done wrong?  Bad adoption story......really bad and now this with my baby girl.  I just want some normalcy.  Just once.


Quirky Mama said...

Hey Jen, let me know if you want to talk, just vent or cry. Being a parent is so hard and then when you feel you can't meet your own child's needs...just heartbreaking.

CRWstudio said...

i'm afraid i have no advice or bits of wisdom...just lots of prayers that all the answers you're looking for will come your way.

CRWstudio said...

i'm afraid i have no advice or bits of wisdom...just lots of prayers that all the answers you're looking for will come your way.

Jenny Hodges said...

Oh I'm so sorry Jennifer... I wish I could give good advice but I'm not a mother yet & don't know what you could do. Have you talked to her school about it yet? Have you looked for any help group/discussion forum for advice? Maybe looking for other parents of autistic children could help you?? Keep your chin up!!

Sawyer and Roman's momma said...

Hey Jennifer, the person I gave you her number has some great information about this exact thing as she dealt with it with her son. Please give her a call and she would be glad to give you some ideas that might help. If you don't have her number or name still, message me and I will get it to you. Praying for you.

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