Friday, December 31, 2010

St. Charles/St. Louis Photographer ~Happy New Year~

Wow, 2011 already. I can't believe it! A year & a half in this amazing photography business. I have been so blessed to meet some amazing photographers in the area this year that have taken the time out of their busy schedules to encourage me, let me shoot with them, and most importantly befriend me! Jenny Hodges from Moondance Photography, Stacy McPeek Smith from McPeek Smith Photography, and Laurie Nowling from Laurie Nowling Photography to name a few. Thank you ladies so much! Your kind words & friendship mean so much! I also want to thank all my friends back home for hiring me to take pictures of your families throughout the year and helping my portfolio grow tremendously! So many changes this year for me as a photographer. I saw my photography skills grow and when I look back at pictures from when I first started all I can think is wow. My art is so different now and a true reflection of me!

On a more personal note. We experience our first full year of peace without chaos...well somewhat, without living with a child with Reactive Attachment Disorder in our house. A very important change that has allowed our family to live a normal life. I have to tell you. Those 5 years were the most difficult years of my life and to still feel compassion & empathy after all that I must thank God! Really, unless you've experienced it, You have NO idea!!! I am thankful they are in places that can keep them & us safe & also get the help they need. I pray all the time for God to help heal their hearts from all the heartbreak & pain they have endured. Speaking of God, our family finally found a church family that we absolutely love. So excited to grow more as a Christian and get to know these amazing people more this year!

Positive changes, NO NOT RESOLUTIONS, to come this year. Weight loss, healthier relationships, more healing, and more growth as a photographer. This will be my first year as a primary for weddings and I am so excited! I plan on 2nd shooting alot again this year though and hoping to get to work with more fantastic photographers in the STL!!! Here's to a Happy New Year to all my friends, family, & clients. I love you all!

I thought I would end my last blog post of 2010 with some of my favorite images of the year. I think these images truly reflect me and my clients...

"I find joy in capturing you, the real you. True, raw emotions. The love between husband & wife. The laughter of a child. The spunky spirit of a teenager. The love of music through the eyes of a musican. The tears of a baby. This is what breathes life into my photography. Life itself." The new decription of my photography on my website:)

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