Friday, December 3, 2010

St. Charles/St. Louis Child Photographer~ Life is precious

Blog #2 Okay so it's day 3 but I did this last night, just forgot to publish it! So I'll do 2 posts today!
My Aunt asked if I could take some family pictures at a friends farm. It was a great deal! Bring my daughter & she can ride on a horse. Yes please!!! The session went well and we had a ton of fun. However on a more personal note....on our way home we came upon a horrific accident that had just happened seconds before. It changed our lives. I won't go into details but I drive alot more carefully now. I cherish life a whole lot more. And I hold my loved ones much closer. It was a bittersweet day and we are still trying to recover from what we saw.(My husband stopped to help so we saw more than I care to remember:( Anyway, I am so happy with the images I captured that day of our loved ones and I am grateful they are in our lives! Hope they forgive me for posting the last picture!!! It makes me happy, had to include it!

Horse pictures in the next post:)

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Ashleigh-Faye said...

Those are so fun! Great colors!

Anonymous said...

Love the SILLY shots and the ADDITUDE in the second shot with the little girl. What a doll.

© Cobblestone Road Photography
CoffeeShop Designs