Monday, March 21, 2011

~Bullying~ St. Louis/St. Charles & Pensacola Family Photographer ~Cobblestone Road Photography~

As many of you know last week my daughter was a victim of bullying. Just because my daughter wanted her hair as long as Rapunzel's. This little girl told her "NO, I DON'T WANT YOUR HAIR THAT LONG." Like she had the right to lay her hand on my daughter. She cut 4 inches off of my daughters hair. It took a long time to console my daughter and let her know everything was okay. That her hair would grow back. She's in kindergarten. You have got to be kidding me. Bullying in kindergarten? I know there are many of us going through the same thing. Our kids coming home upset because they were called names, pushed around, or bullied in some other manner. Well, I had a good friend contact me this morning and she had an amazing idea that I have kind of jumped on and added my own idea's as well. We are coming up with something amazing so be on the look out! My sweet girl wanted pictures taken the day after her hair was so rudely cut so I wasn't about to say no! She is so beautiful she takes my breathe away. And after everything she still wants to be friends with the little girl. What a kind heart she has!

The first set of photos were taken at Faust park where apparently she saw a horse, a bear, & some chickens! What an imagination she has! :-) I'm pretty sure I would have remembered seeing those animals...
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The second set of pictures were taken on Main Street, St. Charles.

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softballmom01 said...

It breaks my heart that a child so young could be so cruel. I'm sorry that your baby girl had to be subjected to such ignorance. Her attitude and spirit shows that she is truly an amazing gift from God.

© Cobblestone Road Photography
CoffeeShop Designs