Thursday, March 10, 2011

St. Louis/St. Charles & Pensacola Family Photographer ~Cobblestone Road Photography~The Tale of the Rouge Photographer...

I love photographing this family! I've known them since my middle & high school days. You may remember their beach pictures last year. This time we went for a totally different feel and I love how their pictures turned out! Right before their session I was doing another family session and was told I was trespassing at the train tracks at the local depot station. Dude was mean. Several photographers there and he singled me out. :-P. Ha! Didn't know I was such a rebel did ya, lol?! Anyway, Corie suggested this place and it worked out well! The light was yummy! Corie & Glen, quit worrying about how "uncooperative' your little cutie was. She really wasn't and no you don't have to pay me a $1000 dollars to take her pictures again. Wait a minute. $1000 could by me some new camera equipment....haha! Seriously, she is a sweetheart and not nearly as "uncooperative" as my little one! My favorite one is the last one. Check out the owl eyes:) R- I didn't post your "jumping" picture...too weak. You owe me a good jump next time!

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