Friday, July 30, 2010
St. Charles/St. Louis Children's Photographer
The school year is about to start and for the first time ever I will not have my little sidekick with me everyday:( It's very bittersweet! She is growing up so fast and I am excited for her to discover new things and make lifelong friends but oh how I wish she were staying home another year! I know all you momma's out there know exactly how I feel! My heart actually aches! Okay, maybe I'm overly emotional but I don't care! I'm trying to look on the bright side. More time to get work done, more time to socialize, more time to photograph, more time to clean. Na....forget that last one;-) So, I am savoring these last few weeks with her just hanging out and having fun. Cherish every moment with your kiddos because time flies by soooo fast! Happy weekend friends!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
St. Charles/St.Louis Wedding Photographer-Cobblestone Road Photography
I am finally ready to share my exciting "secret" changes with everyone. First, I had my blog redesigned to better reflect who I am and what I want to present to the world. Same colors & logo just a blog that is easier to navigate! I love it! Rita from CoffeeShop Designs designed it and she is so talented! The other big news is that I am stepping into the very difficult world of wedding photography. I have so much respect for wedding photographers because wedding photography is just so difficult and is such hard work yet it is also so rewarding! I am NOT saying that I am ready to shoot weddings by myself! I plan on second shooting with some amazing wedding photographers in the area and slowly build up my portfolio and gain experience over the next year or so and hopefully make some great friends while I'm at it! I am however taking in wedding clients for the following year who know that I am building my portfolio! I am so excited about my future in photography. I love photography so much. It really is a part of who I am and I want to keep on reaching beyond my comfort zone and grow as a photographer! Look for big changes in my photography soon. I plan on shaking things up a bit!
I had the chance to second shoot a wedding with Moondance Photography this past Saturday on what was the hottest day ever! At least it felt like it to me! Despite the heat we got some amazing shots in! Here are a few from Allison & Matt's wedding!

I had the chance to second shoot a wedding with Moondance Photography this past Saturday on what was the hottest day ever! At least it felt like it to me! Despite the heat we got some amazing shots in! Here are a few from Allison & Matt's wedding!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
~A Leap Of Faith~ St. Charles/St.Louis Family Photographer-Cobblestone Road Photography
For the longest time I had no clue what I was going to do with my life other than be a wife and mother. Until one day when one person, then another told me that my photographs were amazing (their words, not mine!) and that I should consider doing this for a living. I was completely surprised by this yet, so excited! I thought, can I do this? What the heck, let's try it and see what happens. Worst case scenario, I'll have a kick butt camera to take pictures with;)
When I first started my business I read every article, blog, message board I could find trying to learn as much as I could about this new world of mine. It consumed me. I would be in the car with my family and all I could see was how everything would look through my lens! I saw these stunning photographs from these amazing photographers and thought "Will I ever get there, will I ever be that good?" "Will anyone want to hire me?" Then it was, what will other photographers think of me. Will they label me just another mom who thinks she's a photographer?! Will they say I have no talent? Yes, it does matter to me what others think so yes, this was something I worried about! To my surprise the opposite happened! I've met and become friends with photographers all over the country who have do nothing but encourage me.
Slowly but surely I am realizing I am getting there. I am building my confidence. I am realizing that I am good enough. I am even lucky enough early on to have found "my style", what represents me and I feel blessed by that. So for those of you out there who are willing to take a risk for something that fulfills you and makes you happy then I say do it! Take that leap of faith. The rewards are astounding! My leap of faith has made my life so much better and I'll never look back!

When I first started my business I read every article, blog, message board I could find trying to learn as much as I could about this new world of mine. It consumed me. I would be in the car with my family and all I could see was how everything would look through my lens! I saw these stunning photographs from these amazing photographers and thought "Will I ever get there, will I ever be that good?" "Will anyone want to hire me?" Then it was, what will other photographers think of me. Will they label me just another mom who thinks she's a photographer?! Will they say I have no talent? Yes, it does matter to me what others think so yes, this was something I worried about! To my surprise the opposite happened! I've met and become friends with photographers all over the country who have do nothing but encourage me.
Slowly but surely I am realizing I am getting there. I am building my confidence. I am realizing that I am good enough. I am even lucky enough early on to have found "my style", what represents me and I feel blessed by that. So for those of you out there who are willing to take a risk for something that fulfills you and makes you happy then I say do it! Take that leap of faith. The rewards are astounding! My leap of faith has made my life so much better and I'll never look back!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
St. Charles/St.Louis Family Photographer-Cobblestone Road Photography~Spokesmama's~
I have so much exciting news I will be unveiling soon but for today just one little secret is being revealed! I have decided to run a very special promotion called "Cobblestone Spokesmama's".
Division One: Ages 1-3
Division Two: Ages 4-7
Division Three: Ages 5-9
Division Four: Ages 10-13
All entries must be received by August 20th, 2010 to qualify.
Good luck!

- What is a Spokesmama? It's a program I am creating for local mom's who want to be a spokeswoman for Cobblestone Road Photography.
- How does the program work? For one year you will be asked to direct friends & family to your own online gallery of photos, recommend us on your private facebook page, & and hand out referral cards with the images of your child/children!
- What do you get in return? A free portrait session plus $50 print credit toward purchases, a discount on future sessions, & free use of watermarked images on facebook.
- What ages are needed? I will be needing a spokesmama for 4 different ages levels.
- How do you sign up? Send me an e-mail explaining why you should be selected as a Cobblestone Road Photography Spokesmama and what division you are entering!
Division One: Ages 1-3
Division Two: Ages 4-7
Division Three: Ages 5-9
Division Four: Ages 10-13
All entries must be received by August 20th, 2010 to qualify.
Good luck!
Monday, July 19, 2010
St.Louis Family Photographer-Cobblestone Road Photography
I had the chance to photograph my cousin's little boy yesterday! Kawika ( Beloved) is such a sweetheart but was very sleepy during our session! Sleepy boy & bad weather oh my! Yesterday it rained, and rained, and rained, oh and then it rained some more during my outdoor session at Faust Park so we made due and went to the butterfly house & the carousel! The lighting was tricky and well, you know about the weather, but I still captured some sweet moments with Kawika! He really loved our game of peek-a-boo:) I had to include the "pouty" picture because really...that pout is just too cute! Here is a sneak peek for you Denise! Can't wait the family session!

Friday, July 16, 2010
St. Louis & Pensacola Family Photographer-Cobblestone Road Photography
My Pensacola summer sessions went so well that as soon as I arrived back in Missouri I received several requests to travel back down in the fall for Fall Portraits! Yay!!! I will be in Pensacola from November 6th through the 14th and I am only doing a total of 15 sessions. 9 sessions are already booked! I will not be able to do the fall sessions unless I book at 15 sessions. Please tell your friends and family about these on location sessions! The session fee is $150 and includes a cd of high resolution images.
Also, I have exciting business changes coming soon! Can't wait to share my secret! ;-)
And as always here's a picture...yes, a rare picture of me:) hehe!

Also, I have exciting business changes coming soon! Can't wait to share my secret! ;-)
And as always here's a picture...yes, a rare picture of me:) hehe!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
St. Charles/St.Louis Family Photographer-Cobblestone Road Photography~Organ Donation Awareness~
I am so happy to announce the winner of a free family session for the most referrals! Super, duper excited. Why am I so excited you ask. Because the winner is the father of a transplant recipient. Most who know me know that Organ Donation Awareness is a cause that is very important to me. It's always been a cause dear to me, even more so since my sister & brother in law lost their youngest child and made the choice to give the gift of life. Their choice saved four peoples lives.
It's not a subject most are comfortable talking about but it is so important to have this conversation with your loved ones. Let them know! Talk about it! Save a life! Give the gift of Life! Be an Organ Donor!
Sooooo, the winner is..........John Morris! Can't wait to meet you & your family:)
I had a hard time picking out a picture for this post until I remembered this picture! It's an unedited, simple, peaceful picture of one of my favorite places in the world! Home. Pensacola Beach. Enjoy:)

It's not a subject most are comfortable talking about but it is so important to have this conversation with your loved ones. Let them know! Talk about it! Save a life! Give the gift of Life! Be an Organ Donor!
Sooooo, the winner is..........John Morris! Can't wait to meet you & your family:)
I had a hard time picking out a picture for this post until I remembered this picture! It's an unedited, simple, peaceful picture of one of my favorite places in the world! Home. Pensacola Beach. Enjoy:)
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
St. Louis & Pensacola Family Photographer-Cobblestone Road Photography
Brooke was actually the first to book me for the Florida summer sessions even though she was the last to be photographed! As someone who loves having portraits of her children done, I was so honored that she picked me to do them! She picked a late afternoon shoot so her photos have that delicious "golden hour" lighting to them! Brooke, you have a beautiful family! Your children are adorable & so fun to work with! Thanks again & it was so great seeing you!

Monday, July 5, 2010
St. Louis & Pensacola Family Photographer-Cobblestone Road Photography
So, I am making some very positive changes in my life both professionally & personally. Today's post is about my personal changes. As most of you know the last 6 yrs have been a very tough time for me with the whole adoption experience we had. Many areas of my families lives were affected by it. But this post is not about the children, or my family. It's about me. I had these big dreams of bringing children into my home & giving them all the love & happiness they deserved. Instead with everything that went on over the last 6 years, I lost myself. I stopped taking care of myself. I started eating horrible foods that played havoc on my body. I stopped socializing with my friends. I build a wall around myself. Now, here I am 6 yrs later. 30 lbs heavier and very unhappy with how I look & feel. I have taken that wall down & repaired those relationships but I still haven't taken care of me. So this is me asking for support because I need the encouragement desperately! Today I started exercising again. Now, I need to change my eating habits. This is going to be the toughest part for me! But I know I can do this. Especially if I have my friends & family supporting me & encouraging me. So here is to a new, healthier me.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
St. Louis & Pensacola Family Photographer-Cobblestone Road Photography
I was really looking forward to this particular family session. I hadn't seen Glen since I ran into him years ago at a mall in Chicago & Corie I hadn't seen in at least 5 yrs. I get to the session all excited. Then I step out of my van. OMG, yes I just said OMG. One word, H-O-T. This sums up Glen & Corie's family portrait session, and no I am not referring to their good looks although they are a beautiful family;-) Not going to lie, I almost passed out during this session! We started the session at Ft. Pickens then made our way down to the the heat. Where everyone was turning red! Corie you did a great job coordinating outfits! I loved the colors. It was so great to see you guys again! I'm excited to see you again in the fall for another portrait session and dinner maybe? Just sayin'....:) I had a hard time picking images to put on here so this is an extra long blog! Enjoy!

St. Charles/St.Louis Family Photographer-Cobblestone Road Photography
I am changing things up a bit! Today I want to talk about a few people who inspire me with my photography. No surprise that my #1 inspiration is my daughter. She is my favorite subject and I love capturing her smiles....and frowns! I love seeing the world through her eyes. She has such a sweet, kind soul & I love her to the moon & back!
Next up is Lindsey Horn of Lindsey Horn Photography based out of Dallas, Texas. She is so kind and always takes time out of her busy schedule to comment on my images and it means so much to me! Her images are absolutely stunning! Some of my recent favorites are the bluebonnet sessions & her recent senior sessions! She has amazing talent! Check out her website & blog at
Last is Laurie Nowling of Laurie Nowling Photography right here in St. Charles, Missouri. I remember the very first time I looked at her website. My jaw dropped to the floor! Her images are so dreamy! I remember thinking to myself that I hope one day to be as good as her! Last week I had the chance to do a bridal portrait session with her & watch her in action! She is just amazing! She is also a fellow photographer for Inspiration through Art( formerly known as Littlest Hero's Project). Check out her website to view some stunning images!
So there you have it! My inspirations! And with that here are a few photos from my daughters recent session. I named this album "There is a new sheriff in town" You'll see why in a minute;-)

Next up is Lindsey Horn of Lindsey Horn Photography based out of Dallas, Texas. She is so kind and always takes time out of her busy schedule to comment on my images and it means so much to me! Her images are absolutely stunning! Some of my recent favorites are the bluebonnet sessions & her recent senior sessions! She has amazing talent! Check out her website & blog at
Last is Laurie Nowling of Laurie Nowling Photography right here in St. Charles, Missouri. I remember the very first time I looked at her website. My jaw dropped to the floor! Her images are so dreamy! I remember thinking to myself that I hope one day to be as good as her! Last week I had the chance to do a bridal portrait session with her & watch her in action! She is just amazing! She is also a fellow photographer for Inspiration through Art( formerly known as Littlest Hero's Project). Check out her website to view some stunning images!
So there you have it! My inspirations! And with that here are a few photos from my daughters recent session. I named this album "There is a new sheriff in town" You'll see why in a minute;-)
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