Saturday, July 10, 2010

St. Charles/St.Louis Family Photographer-Cobblestone Road Photography~Organ Donation Awareness~

I am so happy to announce the winner of a free family session for the most referrals!  Super, duper excited.  Why am I so excited you ask.  Because the winner is the father of a transplant recipient.  Most who know me know that Organ Donation Awareness is a cause that is very important to me.  It's always been a cause dear to me, even more so since my sister & brother in law lost their youngest child and made the choice to give the gift of life.  Their choice saved four peoples lives.
It's not a subject most are comfortable talking about but it is so important to have this conversation with your loved ones.  Let them know!  Talk about it!  Save a life!  Give the gift of Life!  Be an Organ Donor!

Sooooo, the winner is..........John Morris!  Can't wait to meet you & your family:)

I had a hard time picking out a picture for this post until I remembered this picture! It's an unedited, simple, peaceful picture of one of my favorite places in the world!  Home.  Pensacola Beach.  Enjoy:)

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© Cobblestone Road Photography
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