Tuesday, July 20, 2010

St. Charles/St.Louis Family Photographer-Cobblestone Road Photography~Spokesmama's~

I have so much exciting news I will be unveiling soon but for today just one little secret is being revealed! I have decided to run a very special promotion called "Cobblestone Spokesmama's".
  1. What is a Spokesmama?    It's a program I am creating for local mom's who want to be a spokeswoman for Cobblestone Road Photography.
  2. How does the program work?  For one year you will be asked to direct friends & family to your own online gallery of photos, recommend us on your private facebook page, & and hand out referral cards with the images of your child/children!
  3. What do you get in return?  A free portrait session plus $50 print credit toward purchases, a discount on future sessions, & free use of watermarked images on facebook.
  4. What ages are needed?  I will be needing a spokesmama for 4 different ages levels.
  5. How do you sign up?  Send me an e-mail explaining why you should be selected as a Cobblestone Road Photography Spokesmama and what division you are entering! 
Send your e-mail to jennifercrowe@cobblestoneroadphotography.com

Division One: Ages 1-3
Division Two: Ages 4-7
Division Three:  Ages 5-9
Division Four:  Ages 10-13

All entries must be received by August 20th, 2010 to qualify.
Good luck!
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© Cobblestone Road Photography
CoffeeShop Designs