When I first started my business I read every article, blog, message board I could find trying to learn as much as I could about this new world of mine. It consumed me. I would be in the car with my family and all I could see was how everything would look through my lens! I saw these stunning photographs from these amazing photographers and thought "Will I ever get there, will I ever be that good?" "Will anyone want to hire me?" Then it was, what will other photographers think of me. Will they label me just another mom who thinks she's a photographer?! Will they say I have no talent? Yes, it does matter to me what others think so yes, this was something I worried about! To my surprise the opposite happened! I've met and become friends with photographers all over the country who have do nothing but encourage me.
Slowly but surely I am realizing I am getting there. I am building my confidence. I am realizing that I am good enough. I am even lucky enough early on to have found "my style", what represents me and I feel blessed by that. So for those of you out there who are willing to take a risk for something that fulfills you and makes you happy then I say do it! Take that leap of faith. The rewards are astounding! My leap of faith has made my life so much better and I'll never look back!
Hi Jennifer,
I feel the same exact way! Not so much about other photographers, but about the people in our area - so judgmental. I am just starting out as well and I love photography. I am always looking for new locations every time I get in my car. Well God Bless!!
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